The Finance Blogger

Baby Sitting for the Kids

Baby SittingMost grandparents love to babysit the grandchildren. This is a chore that they absolutely enjoy and look forward to. However if you’re baby sitting every day or several times a week it can be sometimes more than you can handle depending on your health and the temperament of your grandchildren.

When they move in with you and it is assumed that you will be baby sitting some basic ground rules are really required to ensure that there are no disagreements and it is not a larger burden than what you can handle. For example establishing a schedule so that everyone knows who will be baby sitting and which days you have off is a huge advantage as well as a basic communication device.

Baby Sitting – Emergencies

Every once in a while there will be emergencies. For example if your children cannot get home in time from work. They may need you to pick up your grandchildren from the babysitter, daycare or school. This is something that can usually be accommodated quite easily. On the other hand if it is assumed that you will do this several times a week. Some discussion is really required to make sure that you’re not being taken advantage of. They really need to get their jobs in order. Travel times need to be nailed down so that they can fulfill their own responsibilities.

Always communicate up front and never let anything fester. If you keep it inside eventually there will be an explosion of emotion. This can cause long-term damaging issues between relationships. This is really the last thing you want to have happen between you and your children. For most grand parents it would break their hearts if they can no longer see their grand children.

No one needs that, so if you have a concern deal with it quickly. Though it may generate conflict at the time it will be far less then if you allowed it to continue.  Communication is one of the most important skills you can have when it comes to dealing with family issues.

For more thoughts about how to deal with adult children, click here.

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